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Our History

The Gamma Omega (ΓΩ) chapter of Tau Beta Sigma (TBΣ) was installed on April 19th, 1969 to serve the University of Pittsburgh Varsity Marching Band (VMB). Ohio University (A∆) served as the Big Sister Chapter. On November 18th, 1980, the sisters of ΓΩ relinquished their national status and became Omicron Pi Alpha (OΠA), a local organization dedicated to serving the band in the same manner as TBΣ. In the winter of 1986, the sisters of OΠA voted to dissolve the organization and reactivate the charter of TBΣ. Clarion University's (∆O) chapter was called upon to sponsor the colony. Before ΓΩ could be reinstalled, a new constitution and membership candidate program needed to be established, and in April 1987, the Ritual of First Degree was held for the new colony. On November 1st, 1987, the ΓΩ chapter was reinstated. With nearly 50 sisters, ΓΩ is currently thriving, all while happily serving our community and our VMB.  The sisters of ΓΩ have fun with weekly social events, ranging from getting food to studying, often with the VMB's other service organizations, Kappa Kappa Psi and Mu Kappa Upsilon.

2024-2025 Executive Board Officers

Sofia Romero
Vice President of Membership
Chris Hughes
Vice President of Service
Arianne Alfonso
Vice President of Programs
Olivia Bender
Leo Liang
Jessica Sherer


Committee Heads


"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." - John Maxwell

Focus on Five Chair: Anaanya Nasta
Fundraising Chair: Amelia Aceves
Digital Media Chair: Emma Christensen
Music Chair: Lucas Wei
Events Chair
Sisterhood Chair: Emma Bailey
Joint Relations Chair: Oliver Umbel
Parliamentarian: Julianne Saffron

Quick Facts

Mission Statement: Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority provides service to collegiate bands, encourages the advancement of women in the band profession, and promotes and enriches an appreciation of band music through recognition, leadership development and education of its members.

Motto: Tau Beta Sigma, For Greater Bands

Official Sorority Colors: White & Blue

Official Sorority Flower: "American Beauty" Red Rose, long-stemmed

Chapter Sponsor: Ryan Minster

Sorority Purposes:

Be it known that Tau Beta Sigma, National Honorary Sorority for members of the college band, is an organization operating exclusively in the field of the college and university bands, for the following purposes:

  1. To promote the existence and welfare of the collegiate bands and to create a respect and appreciation for band activities and achievements among the listening public everywhere.

  2. To honor outstanding members of the band through privilege of membership, in the Sisterhood, extended in recognition of musical achievement, demonstrated leadership, and an enthusiastic approach to band activities.

  3. To develop leadership through active participation with the band, and through it, to strengthen those traits of conduct, thought, and idealism which characterize the responsible membership of the band.

  4. To encourage a close relationship between collegiate bands and promote a high average of attainment by the performance of good music and selection of worthwhile projects.

  5. To provide a meaningful and worthwhile social experience for all engaged in collegiate band work, and to cooperate with other musical organizations and societies in every manner consistent with our mutual purposes and those of the institution at which chapters are located.

Sorority Ideals:

The “Eight Essential Factors” which promote friendship and respect among Sorority members:

  1. Physical and mental qualities of an attractive nature;

  2. Demonstrated loyalty and dependability to those persons and institutions deserving of it;

  3. A truthfulness and honesty which instills a sense of trust in others;

  4. A cheerfulness at all times and under all circumstances, even in the face of great trial;

  5. A mutual interest in the Art of Music in its performance and in the aesthetic qualities it can project to others;

  6. Generosity of mind, heart, and hand;

  7. Tolerance, tempered with kindness and a consideration for the needs of others;

  8. Fortitude and courage to see an ideal, to seize upon it, and follow it wherever it may lead you in Tau Beta Sigma.

The “Five Qualities” to be observed by Tau Beta Sigma members at all times:

  1. Knowledge and development of your physical powers in the quest for good health and bodily perfection;

  2. Recognition and development of your intellectual potential;

  3. Appreciation for and the maintenance of the highest moral standards;

  4. Achievement of and the personification within you of lofty spiritual ideals;

  5. Cultivation and maintenance of your emotional poise under all conditions.

©2018 by Tau Beta Sigma Gamma Omega.

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